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Урок в 8 классе
23.01.2012, 08:28

Тема: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

Главная цель: развитие коммуникативной компетенции по данной теме.

Сопутствующие цели:

1.     активизация лексических единиц в речи учащихся;

2.     развитие умений восприятия и понимания иноязычной речи на слух;

3.     развитие умений монологической и диалогической речи.

Развивающая цель: развитие мышления, умения дать оценку, высказать своё мнение, развитие фантазии, воображения.

Воспитательная цель: воспитание культуры общения, формирование умения работать в парах и группах.

Оборудование: мультимедийный проектор, мультимедийная презентация, аудиозапись, УМК для 8 класса, раздаточный материал, опорные таблицы для говорения.

              ХОД УРОКА

I.       Организационно – мотивационный этап.

·        Good afternoon, my dear friends! I’m glad to meet you at our lesson!

·        Look at this "black box”, please. It’s just the same as in the programme "What? Where? When?”.

·        Guess, please, what I have in it.

·        You’re absolutely right! I’ve got the map of Great Britain.

 II.    Ознакомление учащихся с темой урока.


·        Do you know what topic we are going to discuss at our lesson today?

·        You’re so clever! Today we’ll speak about such a beautiful country as the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

 III. Актуализация субъектного опыта по теме.

Развитие умений диалогической речи.

·        Let’s play the game "Find someone who”.

·        Work in pairs or in groups and find someone who:

§  would like to visit the UK

§  would like to listen and to sing the anthem of Great Britain

§  knows many interesting and surprising facts about the UK (its rivers, lakes, places to visit)

§  can share his / her knowledge with other pupils

·        Tell me please, what things you have found out about your classmates.

(I have found out that …)

 IV.         Развитие языковых умений.

    Развитие умений монологической речи.

·        Just now everybody knows to whom you can address if you want to develop your knowledge about Great Britain. Am I right?

·        Well, we shall continue our work. We’ll resemble in your memory interesting facts. I need your help. Please, help me and explain to me what the following words and numbers mean.

1.     7.429.200

2.     60.776.238

3.     1952

4.     244.820

5.     £

6.     D. Cameron

7.     Wales

8.     Liverpool

9.     136

10.        English

11.        the English Channel

12.        is full of

13.        is varied

14.        10 / 20

15.        8

16.        the Amason

 V.   Физкультминутка.

*    Listen to the British anthem. Fill in the missing words. How did you like the English anthem? What were you thinking about while listening to it?

VI.         Развитие умений грамматически правильно строить вопросы и давать ответы на них.

·        Now I want you to work in groups of 4 or 3.

·        At home you were to prepare as many questions as you can. Look them through and ask your neighbor teams. Please, don’t repeat the same questions. (3 questions each team)

 VII.      Game "20-40-60”

·        What do these numbers mean?

·        I’ll give you 20 seconds to discuss the first question, 40 seconds for the second problem and 60 seconds for the third problem. If you hear my clapping I want you to exchange your partners and discuss another problem.

Topics for discussion:

ü the UK countries, the official name, area, population, capital, main cities, the head of the state

ü the location of the UK (channels, borders)

ü the national emblems of the UK countries (anthem, flags)

ü English landscape (highlands, lowlands)

 VIII.   Work in pairs. "Advertisements”

·        At home you were to prepare the advertisements of picturesque places of Great Britain. Please, present them to the class.

 IX.         Рефлексия. "The Last Sentence”

·        And now I think it’s time to summarize everything you’ve learnt during the lesson. I propose you to play the game which is called "The Last Sentence”. You’re to remember as much information as you can on today’s topic. And who says the last sentence this pupil will be the winner in this game.

 X.   Самооценка. Оценивание.

·        It’s a pity but our lesson has come to the end. Imagine that you are at the song contest "Eurovision”. Put the marks for the work at the lesson to your classmates and for your work as well.

 XI.         Домашнее задание: Imagine that you’re the journalist of one famous newspaper. You have to write an article about the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

Категория: Разработки уроков | Добавил: olgalev
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1 SergOxita  
<a href=http://zmkshop.ru/uslugi/chto-takoe-estakada/>смотровая эстакада для осмотра вагонов</a>

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