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Мероприятие в 3 классе

An ABC Party

T: Hello, dear boys and girls!

T: Today we are going to have a very interesting lesson-competition. These are our judges: … . They will give marks for every task. Your answers should be right, loud, expressive, artistic. Good luck!

T: And now let’s divide into 4 groups. Name your teams, please.

T: And our first competition is called "Do you know the ABC?” Each team will get a card. You are to join the letters in alphabetical order. And if you do this task right, you’ll see a picture. And if a picture is correct, you’ll get 2 points. (see Supplement 1)

T: The word to the jury.

T: Our second competition is called "Decoder”. Each team will get a card. There you’ll see the numbers. Each number corresponds the letter in the ABC. You are to decode the four words. For each right word you’ll get a point. (see Supplements 2, 3)

T: The word to the jury.

T: And now, let’s play a game. It’s called "A snowball”. The rules are the following: The first member of the team is to name a word, the 2nd is to add a new one and repeat the previous word, the 3rd is to add a new word and repeat 2 words and so on. For example, 1st – a dog; 2nd – a monkey, a dog; 3rd – a cat, a monkey, a dog. The person, who makes a mistake, will leave this competition. The team, which will have more members at the end of this competition, is the winner and it gets 4 points. But before you start choose the topic. (see Supplement 4)

T: The word to the jury.

T: The fourth competition is called "Detectives”. You’ll get cards. You are to read and guess the animal. The team which guesses will get 5 points. (see Supplement 5)

T: The word to the jury.

T: Now I'd like to know how you remember words. You’ve got a crossword. You are to find the words, circle them and translate into Russian. For each right word you’ll get 3 points. And if you read and translate it you’ll get an additional point. (see Supplement 6)

T: And now the final word to the jury. We’ll hear who the winner is!

Jury: The winner is "…”.

T: Well, children. I see you know the ABC, words and can read and guess. Good for you! And thank you for the game! Good-bye!

Категория: Мои статьи | Добавил: olgalev (19.01.2012)
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