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Сценарий по Марку Твену "Приключения Гекльбери Фина"




Huckleberry Finn,

Jim — a negro whom Huck tries to help to get to the free states,

Two men with guns who want to catch Jim.


Narrator: I'm sure you've read the book "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" by Mark Twain. In this book Tom and his friend Huck found the money that the robbers had hidden in the cave, and   it made them rich. The widow Douglas took Huck for her son. But the boy did not like life in her house because of her sister, Miss Watson, who did not treat him well. So one day Huck got into his rags and decided to run away. On his way he met Jim, Miss Watson's slave, who also had run away from his mistress. Huck was very fond of Jim arid promised to take him on a raft up the river to the free states.

(A raft is in the background of the stage. Jim and Huck are on the raft paddling.)

Huck   (looking around): It's dark. I can't see anything. I'm afraid we'll miss Cairo.2

Jim   (eagerly):  We better look sharp for it and riot pass it. If we don't find Cairo, I'll be in slave country again.

Huck (calming him down): Don't worry, Jim, I'll keep a sharp look-out for it.

Jim (jumping up): Is that Cairo?

Huck: Not yet.

Jim (happily): Pretty soon,  I'll  be happy and I'll say, I'm a free man thanks to Huck. You're the only friend old Jim has now, Huck. You're the only white man that keeps his promise. You...

(Two men with guns appear.)

Huck (in terror): Hush, Jim! Hide! Hide as quickly as you can.

(Jim hides behind the raft.  The men come up to Huck.)

First Man: What's that yonder?

Huck:   A piece of raft.

Second Man: Do you belong on it?

Huck   (politely): Yes, sir.

First Man: Any men on it?

Huck: Only one, sir.

Second Man: Five negroes ran away today. Is your man white or black?

Huck: He ... He's white.

First Man (trying to enter the raft): We'll go and see for ourselves.

Huck (stepping aside): I wish, you would, because it's my father that's on there. Maybe you'll   help me tow the raft ashore. My father is sick.

First Man (turning to his friend): Let's have a look then.

Second Man: What's the matter with him?

Huck: We'll be mighty obliged to you, I can tell you. Everybody just runs away, when I want them to help me tow the raft ashore, and I can't do it myself.

First Man (doubtfully): It's very strange!

Second Man (angrily): Well, what's the matter with your father?


1 Honorary doctorate of letters — почетный док­тор филологических наук (звание).

         2 Cairo — название города.


Huck (pretending to be frightened): I will, sir. I'll be honest — but don't leave us, please. He's got the smallpox.

First Man (stepping back): I'm very sorry. What a pity!

Second Man (looking worried): We are really sorry but we don't want the smallpox, you see.

First Man: Good-bye, my boy. If you see any runaway slaves, nab them. You can make some money by it.

Huck (ironically): I won't let any runaways get by me if I can help it.

(The two men leave as quickly as they can.)

Huck: Jim, Jim, you can come out. They are gone.

Jim (laughing): You sure fooled them well. (Becoming serious) Thank you very much, Huck. You've saved me. You're a real friend, Huck.

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